So today's motivation comes in the form of a face or, rather, a mask. I just recently re-watched Spiderman into the spider-verse with my family and noticed something pretty profound the second time through. I would argue the main theme of the story was, anyone could be or could have been Spiderman. Sound ridiculous right? But if you look past the quirkiness, you find the idea that, ANYONE could become a hero. you, me, any of us has the capability and some of us are probably endowed with alot of the meansto do so but choose not to be heroic. But I'll quote M.J. from the film, as best i can, " we are all counting on you". Sometimes, even with means or ability, we reject the mantle for other reasons but someone will need your help. Just a leap of faith is the last piece and that piece comes from us. All the doctors and medical professionals fighting COVID-19 right now have taken that leap and are doing all they can. We can't thank them enough... But what could make you a hero?
The mask waits for its owner,
The mask waits for its owner,