K. Now on to the post.
So, on my way home from school, in the parking lot areas as I just stepped in to return a luggage moving cart, a nice lady decided to question me about my hat. You guys know the hat, the one with pikachu on it! {^ ^} Yeah, so basically she RUDELY stated to me that, oh and BTW this is an angry-hulk SMASH!!!- kind of post btw. She said to me, "I don't have a drivers lincense, right?" ( as if she knew...) I said, "how could did you guess? Was it my hat that gave it away?" I jokingly mention my hat like that.... AND THE LADY DIDNT EVEN THINK before agreeing. SHE DIDNT BLINK TWICE!
Okay I get it, I am wearing a pikachu hat and I am a college kid, but when you speak to someone with that tone of voice, also somewhat condecending stare, you imply that they are not grown or that theyperceive things as a complete joke! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ME LADY!! I am not a child because of what I choose to put on my head. Stop acting like what you know is all there is to know! My respect for mothers prevents me from speaking me out, but understand that if you underestimate my true abilities, you will *ZZTTT* regret it.
My words will strike you-like-Lighting pitter patting on the roof of the sky, flying fast fast faster from side to side, faster than superman can say kryptonite.
If you weren't feeling that, just remember what Shadow the Hadgehog would have said, you will have to "witness my true power." The same goes for the young people of the world! We are not fools and one's cloths shouldn't be what defines them as a "man" or an "adult" or what ever you want to call it.
Mangaki out.
-Peace and Salam
Ps: this is the start of something fresh. new website updates to come!
K. Now on to the post.
So, on my way home from school, in the parking lot areas as I just stepped in to return a luggage moving cart, a nice lady decided to question me about my hat. You guys know the hat, the one with pikachu on it! {^ ^} Yeah, so basically she RUDELY stated to me that, oh and BTW this is an angry-hulk SMASH!!!- kind of post btw. She said to me, "I don't have a drivers lincense, right?" ( as if she knew...) I said, "how could did you guess? Was it my hat that gave it away?" I jokingly mention my hat like that.... AND THE LADY DIDNT EVEN THINK before agreeing. SHE DIDNT BLINK TWICE!
Okay I get it, I am wearing a pikachu hat and I am a college kid, but when you speak to someone with that tone of voice, also somewhat condecending stare, you imply that they are not grown or that theyperceive things as a complete joke! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ME LADY!! I am not a child because of what I choose to put on my head. Stop acting like what you know is all there is to know! My respect for mothers prevents me from speaking me out, but understand that if you underestimate my true abilities, you will *ZZTTT* regret it.
My words will strike you-like-Lighting pitter patting on the roof of the sky, flying fast fast faster from side to side, faster than superman can say kryptonite.
If you weren't feeling that, just remember what Shadow the Hadgehog would have said, you will have to "witness my true power." The same goes for the young people of the world! We are not fools and one's cloths shouldn't be what defines them as a "man" or an "adult" or what ever you want to call it.
Mangaki out.
-Peace and Salam
Ps: this is the start of something fresh. new website updates to come!