The idea of pandoras box, manifests this notion that there is a container that is never meant to be opened. Do you think there is a real representation of this in the world? I would argue that there is. The answer is, human conversations. Now, You may be asking now, " hey A.I., what are you talking about? Conversations are normal. They aren't hard to "open" so what are you talking about?" Well, I'll tell you. It is plain and simple. A show box is hard to open but if there is a rattle snake inside, only the wise would stay away. Also very few would know how to handle that snake if it was opened. This is the same as a conversation. When you interact, as simple as it is, sometimes it is better not to "go there" because one my not know what they would do if they go there. I am all about working hard, taking risk, and pushing the envelope, but some things aren't worth it and the things you could lose, could be immense. Like the case with the snake, it could be a finger or your life.
Be kind to animals and non human persons,
Be kind to animals and non human persons,