Hey Guys! its been quite some time. But I got a good one for you today. So i was reading this new manga called PPPPPP. yes... 6 p's. Despite the oddity that is the title, it is quite a decent read. In one scene, a man who is pulled into the memoires of another, through their music. This moment prompted me to think very deep. Often times, I hear people say, " if I knew then what I know now, I would have done it differently" or "I regret that, but hindsight is 20/20". All of these things simply to say, with time and experience, you begin to see the world and your actions differently. But here's where Things get interesting... I wonder what advice we would give each other if we could visit each other's past selves and ask them things or advise them. what would we say? what would we do? would we try to change the events of the past? try to stop external or internal strife?
Also if we could, why would we? what would push you to try and affect change on the past of another? It could very well be that the person you wish to help is simply showing you something in yourself. They may not have any interest in changing that past self. In some ways, it's just us projecting our image on to another. Some times, its empathy for a shared struggle. but I think Kagami from Kuroko said it best, " be yourself because an original is better than a copy".
All in all, The things we want to correct in another may be the thing we personally wish to fix. So perhaps we start with ourselves first.
Enjoy the day,
also for those did not know, kagami means "mirror" in japanese. pretty cool right? A mirror telling us to appear as we are.
Also if we could, why would we? what would push you to try and affect change on the past of another? It could very well be that the person you wish to help is simply showing you something in yourself. They may not have any interest in changing that past self. In some ways, it's just us projecting our image on to another. Some times, its empathy for a shared struggle. but I think Kagami from Kuroko said it best, " be yourself because an original is better than a copy".
All in all, The things we want to correct in another may be the thing we personally wish to fix. So perhaps we start with ourselves first.
Enjoy the day,
also for those did not know, kagami means "mirror" in japanese. pretty cool right? A mirror telling us to appear as we are.