For today’s motivation, I would like to take a second to encourage everyone to see the good in their situation but also thank and, if you do so, pray for those who are struggling and fighting in this COVID-19 time and otherwise. Just randomly I was going by my day and then, I was hit with this thought. In my situation and many other ppl like me, they are taking reasonable advantage of their time, and it’s a good thing. But I think it’s sad to be ignorant to the front liners who are desperately trying to fend off the disease. Of course you wanna see the good but don’t ignore the struggle and the plight. Use it as a means to be show gratitude and realize that you got something really precious, because as we sleep soundly in our beds, or as we are pushing on our grinds, there are ppl who are helping us along the way. Whether it be a friend, a parent, or a doctor or nurse fighting COVID-19 so we get to keep our peace, we are plenty lucky to be safe and sound.
stay safe, stay healthy,
stay safe, stay healthy,