You know I had a conversation recently. A relatively new acquaintance and I were getting to know each other a bit. They mentioned how their friend's refer to them a Dad. After shaking off my disgust and also wonder, I asked, What do they think is the reason for that? The response, was of two kinds. Firstly they said it was because the embody a caring persona and energy. This tends to draw in people who are starved of such caring in their own life. The reason they can propel this persona, is because they themselves were cared for, at home. They had a secure base, so they generate such a "base" outside the home. Sounds like basic modelling to me. But this is where the conversation took a turn for the interesting. I then asked them, " do you draw in people of your type? or is it just people who need what you have?" What do you think they said? I'll leave their answer to your imagination. But I find it interesting. The things we learn in the home can repel or attract certain people. It is at least true for this new acquaintance of mine. But I wonder...Can we carry negative things from the home in to life and attract people with those as well? I think it goes without saying that negative things repel but can they attract as well? Also, if so, can you shed the things that cause you problems or attract the wrong kind of people? Well, Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers would probably say yes. But wat do you think?
Keep on questioning,
from that computer brain siting in cyber space,
Keep on questioning,
from that computer brain siting in cyber space,