Hey guys! So I finally got a chance to watch Soul the Disney animation. It was surprising decent. Animation is also pretty sharp but the story wasn’t so bad this time around. In fact, I got a quote out of it. It goes like this, “A young fish swims up to an older fish and asks, ‘do you know where I can find the ocean?’ The older fish replies,’hmm? This IS the ocean. We are swimming in it.’ With dismay, the young fish retorts, ‘no, this is water,what I’m trying to find is-‘ with a wide eyed expression- ‘the ocean’.”
-Disney’s Soul
To me what this is saying is, we search for this euphoric idea we associate with things in life, love, passion, success, things that you can’t quantifiable define, and when we have or get those things, the world or those ideas look so small. Why? Because they are put up against the Infinite possibilities that is our own imagination. The true nature of those things is not at all what we perceive them to be. So when we do in fact find love, success, or what have you, it seems so small. Reminds me of this anime called Kaiji. In it Kaiji is constantly gambling to get his own life or freedom back. Yet he had it prior to all the incidents. Although he was thrown into the world of gambling without his own consent initially, He constantly continued chasing the light. Kaiji’s story meets at the intersection of ultimate loser and underdog. You can’t help but love him but also you can’t help but pity this fool. Throughout the show we see him constantly fighting to get a hold of something that he lost to the world, his very own life. Despite the fact that it’s a show, I can’t help but question the circumstances he finds himself in, or puts himself in, to repeat this endless cycle of lose, struggle, gain then lose and it starts all over again. It makes me wonder how much we as people lose without even realizing it’s gone. Perhaps happiness, success, love and peace aren’t so hard to come by. Perhaps we just romanticize them so much as to make them unattainable, maybe that is what causes us to never reach them. In the States, we have this inalienable right to the “pursuit of happiness” but what if that same happiness is sitting next to us, or running right behind us? Could it be that we are just unable to see it because we are looking for something completely different from the true reality of it? Of happiness? Perhaps that’s why aomine reacted with the feelings he did at the end of Kuroko’s basket ball….who can say for sure?
All I know is the answer is right there in my midst. I just need to look with a open eye, or two, and with my rose tinted glasses. What do you think?
Journey on,
-Disney’s Soul
To me what this is saying is, we search for this euphoric idea we associate with things in life, love, passion, success, things that you can’t quantifiable define, and when we have or get those things, the world or those ideas look so small. Why? Because they are put up against the Infinite possibilities that is our own imagination. The true nature of those things is not at all what we perceive them to be. So when we do in fact find love, success, or what have you, it seems so small. Reminds me of this anime called Kaiji. In it Kaiji is constantly gambling to get his own life or freedom back. Yet he had it prior to all the incidents. Although he was thrown into the world of gambling without his own consent initially, He constantly continued chasing the light. Kaiji’s story meets at the intersection of ultimate loser and underdog. You can’t help but love him but also you can’t help but pity this fool. Throughout the show we see him constantly fighting to get a hold of something that he lost to the world, his very own life. Despite the fact that it’s a show, I can’t help but question the circumstances he finds himself in, or puts himself in, to repeat this endless cycle of lose, struggle, gain then lose and it starts all over again. It makes me wonder how much we as people lose without even realizing it’s gone. Perhaps happiness, success, love and peace aren’t so hard to come by. Perhaps we just romanticize them so much as to make them unattainable, maybe that is what causes us to never reach them. In the States, we have this inalienable right to the “pursuit of happiness” but what if that same happiness is sitting next to us, or running right behind us? Could it be that we are just unable to see it because we are looking for something completely different from the true reality of it? Of happiness? Perhaps that’s why aomine reacted with the feelings he did at the end of Kuroko’s basket ball….who can say for sure?
All I know is the answer is right there in my midst. I just need to look with a open eye, or two, and with my rose tinted glasses. What do you think?
Journey on,